Thursday, November 1, 2012

COOP, NYC Data Centers

Slashdot has a nice concise article on the fight to keep data centers running. Apparently after ConEd pulled the plug, they went to generators which were located in the basements. Enter the record storm surge and the generators drowned. They brought in alternate generators ( that has to be a story all by itself, delivering industrial generators in a hurricane ) and so now they are pumping their basements and trying to keep their generators fueled.

The Wall Street Journal blog, has a great photo of the Verizon basement and an in-depth story as well.

Verizon is continuing updates on their blog. This has a really cool picture of their 18 wheeler mobile communications center serving Nassau county.

My brain is screaming one thing over any other. SLAs. Gawker and the other web sites that went down, almost certainly had Service Level Agreements with the ISPs and data centers. Time for someone to write a check I suspect.

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